Circus Performance Arts Instruction


Youth Cross-Training with Circus Skills

Image of cross training with circus skills. Photo for Cirque Art Studio, North Miami Beach, FL.

Student-athletes often seek ways to excel in their respective sports, striving for peak performance and minimal injuries. While sport-specific athletic training remains essential, youth cross-training with circus skills can offer a unique and rewarding approach to achieve these goals. Skills such as contortion, juggling, and aerial silks not only bring creativity and fun to workouts but also contribute significantly to injury prevention, increased strength, improved hand-eye coordination, and enhanced range of motion. In addition, young people who learn circus skills develop lifelong abilities that can aid them in life for years after, even when they eventually stop competing in their sport.

Injury Prevention through Contortion

Contortion training focuses on flexibility and stretching exercises, leading to increased joint mobility and muscular flexibility. By incorporating contortion into a youth cross-training regimen, student-athletes can reduce the risk of common sports-related injuries such as muscle strains, sprains and tears. A flexible body allows athletes to perform dynamic movements with ease, ensuring their bodies are better prepared for the demands of their respective sports.  Key areas of flexibility for a contortionist include the areas where injuries often occur such as the groin, hips, back, legs and neck. 

Juggling for Improved Hand-Eye Coordination

Juggling may seem like a mere form of entertainment, but it has remarkable benefits for student-athletes. The art of juggling hones hand-eye coordination and motor skills. It helps athletes refine their reflexes, spatial awareness, and timing, all of which are essential in sports that require precise movements and quick reactions. By incorporating juggling into their cross-training routine, student-athletes can gain a competitive edge and enhance their overall athletic performance.  Learning juggling goes far beyond improving sports skills.  In fact, studies have shown that jugglers add to the mass and density of their brain’s gray matter aiding them in developing advanced problem-solving and goal-setting skills.

“… student-athletes can reduce the risk of common sports-related injuries such as muscle strains, sprains and tears.”

Aerial Silks for Strength and Range of Motion

Aerial silks training involves performing acrobatic moves while suspended in mid-air, which requires substantial upper body and core strength. By engaging in aerial silks exercises, student-athletes can strengthen their muscles, leading to improved power, stability, and endurance. Additionally, aerial silks help increase range of motion by stretching and lengthening muscles, loosening joints and resulting in enhanced flexibility and a reduced risk of injuries during intense physical performance on game day and during practice sessions.

The Cirque Art Studio After-School Program

The Cirque Art Studio’s after-school program provides an exceptional opportunity for student-athletes aged 5-15 to discover and cultivate their circus skills. With experienced coaches and well-equipped facilities, the program offers a safe and supportive environment for young athletes and dancers to explore a variety of circus disciplines, including contortion, juggling, and aerial silks.

Through the program’s carefully designed curriculum, students will experience the joy of mastering new circus skills while simultaneously reaping the numerous benefits of youth cross-training. They will develop greater body awareness, improved balance, and coordination, all of which will translate positively to their primary athletic pursuits.

Incorporating circus skills like contortion, juggling, and aerial silks into the training regimen of student-athletes can yield significant advantages. By cross-training with circus arts, student-athletes can not only reduce the risk of injuries but also gain strength, improve hand-eye coordination, and increase their range of motion. The Cirque Art Studio’s after-school program provides an ideal platform for aspiring athletes aged 5-15 to enhance their athletic performance, exceed their goals, and cultivate a love for the captivating world of circus arts. Embrace the artistry and athleticism of circus skills and unlock your child’s true potential as a student-athlete!

Reach out to us today via our contact form, or sign up for a class by clicking here.